近日,第九届南海照明论坛暨2022“光明奖”品牌盛典圆满落幕,共有3万多家照明灯饰企业和数以百万的照明从业者参与评选。圣昌凭借在LED智能调光电源细分领域的突出表现,斩获“智能电源品牌TOP10”。 Recently, the Ninth Nanhai Lighting Forum and the 2022 "Light Award" Brand Ceremony ended successfully. More than 30,000 lighting companies and millions of lighting practitioners participated in the selection. With its outstanding performance in the subdivision of LED intelligent dimming power supply, Shengchang won the "Top 10 Intelligent Power Supply Brand". 作为照明灯饰行业最具影响力的年度盛典,“光明奖”旨在为行业遴选出真正具有创新工匠精神的企业品牌,从而推进照明灯饰电工产业高质量发展。 As the most influential annual ceremony in the lighting industry, the "Light Award" aims to select corporate brands with truly innovative craftsman spirit for the industry, so as to promote the high-quality development of the lighting and electrical industry. 圣昌获此殊荣,是市场和行业专家的双重认可。耕耘LED智能调光电源领域十余载,圣昌始终坚持产品创新,打响了无频闪、高效率、高功率因数的产品优势,以品牌力量助力智慧照明行业实现跨越式发展。 Shengchang won this honor, which is the double recognition of market and industry experts. Having worked in the field of LED intelligent dimming power supplies for more than ten years, Shengchang has always insisted on product innovation, and has launched the product advantages of no flicker, high efficiency, and high power factor, and helped the smart lighting industry to achieve leapfrog development with brand strength. 未来,圣昌将更加专注智能调光电源技术创新,持续深耕智慧照明细分领域,让智慧生活触达更多人群。 In the future, Shengchang will focus more on the technological innovation of intelligent dimming power supply, and continue to deepen the subdivision of smart lighting, so that smart life can reach more people.