瑞幸牵手茅台,FENDI和喜茶联名,这是一个跨界的时代,无数创意火花在碰撞间诞生,高效联盟因此成为当下的破局利刃。 近年来,照明行业的跨界案例更是数不胜数,五金巨头悍高布局柜类照明,公牛集团、美智光电等家电企业出击照明行业,打造家居生态圈。 最近,照明行业又将迎来一场全新的跨界尝试。12月9日,云知光将联合广州设计周在广州国际采购中心举办一场别开生面的照明行业交流盛会,通过1场年度盛典+1天主题论坛+1场主题策划展区,探索照明与跨界之间的更多可能性。 圣昌是云知光的老朋友,每年都会带来新技术、新产品,今年圣昌又有新动作,接下来就跟着小编一起揭秘圣昌X第八届云知光论坛的重要关键词吧! Shengchang is an old friend of eLicht. It brings new technologies and products every year. This year, Shengchang has made new moves. Next, let’s follow the editor to reveal the important keywords of Shengchang with 8th eLicht Forum! 「分论坛冠名商」 Sub-forum Title Vendor 今年,圣昌解锁了分论坛冠名商的全新身份,与云知光论坛有了更加紧密的合作,通过主题演讲的形式,分享圣昌的新产品和新技术,并与现场的同行好友探讨新时代下照明行业发展的新思路和新生机。 This year, Shengchang has unlocked a new identity as a sub-forum title vendor and has cooperated more closely with the eLicht Forum. Through keynote speeches, it will share Shengchang’s new products and new technologies, and discuss new technologies with colleagues and friends at the scene. New ideas and new vitality for the development of lighting industry in this era. 「硬核新品齐发」 Hard-core New Products Released 为了充分发挥圣昌在智能电源产品线的齐全优势,云知光论坛期间,圣昌将设立品牌展位,展出多款硬核新品。 In order to give full play to the comprehensive advantages of Shengchang in the smart power product line, Shengchang will set up a brand booth during the Yunzhiguang Forum to display a variety of hard-core new products. 圣昌无频闪高压灯带智能调光电源 Flicker-free High Voltage Strip Dimmable Driver 这是一款攻克了高压灯带“有频闪”“不能匹配智能照明系统进行调光调色”等痛点问题的硬核新品。圣昌特意采用高频PWM输出,解决了频闪问题,这款高压灯带调光电源可单灯控制,或者搭配各种智能照明系统进行智能调光调色温,满足各种场景的调光需求,为客户营造更符合节律健康的照明氛围。 This is a hard-core new product that overcomes the pain points of high-voltage light strips such as "strobe" and "cannot match the intelligent lighting system for dimming and color adjustment". Shengchang specially uses high-frequency PWM output to solve the stroboscopic problem. This high-voltage lamp strip dimming power supply can be controlled by a single lamp, or can be used with various intelligent lighting systems for intelligent dimming and color temperature adjustment to meet the dimming needs of various scenes. meet the needs of customers and create a lighting atmosphere that is more in line with rhythm and health for customers. 圣昌户外大功率智能调光电源 Outdoor High-Power Dimmable Driver 功率范围20W-1800W,性能稳定的圣昌户外大功率智能电源,也是即将亮相第八届云知光论坛的热门新品,DALI-2、D4i、DMX512、0-10V多种调光控制可选,方便客户更好地匹配不同厂家的控制器。 The power range is 20W-1800W and the Shengchang outdoor high-power smart power supply with stable performance is also a popular new product that will be unveiled at the 8th eLicht Forum. DALI-2, D4i, DMX512, 0-10V various dimming controls are available selection to facilitate customers to better match controllers from different manufacturers. 「产品家族齐亮相」 Product Families Unveiled 圣昌全系列智能调光电源 Full Range Of Dimmable Driver 为了充分发挥圣昌在智能电源产品线的齐全优势,第八届云知光论坛期间,圣昌DALI-2、D4i、可控硅、0/1-10V、DMX512、无线(蓝牙/ZigBee/Wi-Fi)等系列将集体亮相,并设置调光体验区,让户外照明、工业照明、景观照明、园艺照明、商业照明、住宅照明等更多领域的客户,感受圣昌电源在无频闪、精确调光、NFC智能编程等性能上的突出优势。 In order to give full play to the complete advantages of Shengchang in the smart power product line, during the 8th Yunzhiguang Forum, Shengchang DALI-2, D4i, Triac, 0/1-10V, DMX512, Wireless (Bluetooth/ZigBee/Wi -Fi) and other series will be unveiled together, and a dimming experience area will be set up to allow customers in outdoor lighting, industrial lighting, landscape lighting, horticultural lighting, commercial lighting, residential lighting and other fields to experience the flicker-free, flicker-free, and Outstanding advantages in performance such as precise dimming and NFC intelligent programming. 三大关键词揭秘完成,期待值是不是已经拉满?但是论坛还藏着更多惊喜哦,12月9日广州国际采购中心10B18-3展位,更多惊喜等你来解锁! The three major keywords have been revealed. Have expectations been met? But there are more surprises hidden in the forum. At the Guangzhou International Procurement Center Booth 10B18-03 on December 9th, more surprises are waiting for you to unlock!